Top Largest And Smallest Dristricts Of Nepal As Per Provience

Top Largest And Smallest Dristricts Of Nepal As Per Provience.

  To All The Students Of Loksewa As Well Others.

  Till the end of topic we will guarantee that you will remember those districts 🙏

There are altogether 14 districts which should be remembered by you they are listed below (trick are also available at the end).

Provience            Biggest District  
1                              -Taplayjung  
2                              - Saptaari 
3                              -Sindhuli 
4                              -Gorkha
5                               -Dang
6                              -Dolpa
7                              -Bajhang 

  Now lets talk about Smallest District As Per Provience;-

Provience             Smallest District

 1 =                           Tayrathum

 2=                            Parsa

 3=                           Bhaktapur

 4=                            Parbat

 5=                           Nawalparasi

 6=                             Rukum 

 7=                             Kanchanpur

  The following are the smallest and largest diatricts of nepal as per provience. Now Lets talk about simple and easy trick to remember those district.

  First of all remember a short story that is listed in given image  in Nepal ( image is available in our page Lern Nepal In quality) 

(Its no District its provience)
ta means Taplejung 
tey means terhathum
sa means Saptari 
pa means parsa 
And similar as above 

Make sure to comment how the trick was it will be better if you can make your own trick 
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